Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Seniors and Electronic Aids

Pros & Cons Study

Stanford Computer Department

Human Computer Interaction

900 Blake Wilbur Dr

Palo Alto, CA 94304

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Medical discoveries are not possible without volunteers like you. Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Researchers need your help! Health research changes people's lives every day, but many studies end early because there are not enough volunteers.

We help by matching you with research studies. Researchers need both healthy people and people with all types of conditions. Everyone can be the perfect research match!

Over View of Study

The university is studying now electronics could help seniors or be intrusive in their lives as they use things such as smart phones, TVs, Fitbits, iPads and so on.

Stanford:Pros & Cons of Electronics and Seniors

Four Day Workshop Study

We were divided into groups of four or five and asked to think about what a smart electronics app might be used for and where it could be used. Also pros and cons as to the use of this electronics.

Workshop Table Five

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Linda - Chuck - Robert

Our table came up with multiple items and we selected our favorite one from where an electronic might be uses such as:

- Home

- Senior Center

- Transportation

- Care Giver Communications

- Cruise Ship Help

We seleted Cruise Ship and pros were learning the layout of the ship. We also checked on using electronics on tours. Finding other travelers who might be from the area you live in for companionship. Contacting the crew for emergencies.

We decided one major cons would be if someone could access the data base and find out peoples cabin numbers or where they might be during the day. Rooms might not be safe!

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Linda designed an App that informed the user if the location she was at was an interesting place to visit or so so, or not interesting. Right arrow might be green for go, middle yellow for so so and red on the left for not interesting!

Chuck designed a robot camera that turned itself off when advised by the user.

Robert designed an electronic key for the cabin door to monitor the activities around the door.

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors

Pros & Cons of Electronics for Seniors


We were given $25 Gift cards for each day we attended the classes. If we attended all four we also got an extra $50 Gift card!

Created on: 2023.08.22
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Updated on: 2023.08.26