Continuing: Virginia's Big Fall on her Front Steps

I visited Virginia at the new Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, she was on the sixth floor. How lucky can one be, three nurses saw me come in and said we can show you how to put on the neck brace without hurting Virginia! I said what are you talking about? I didn't realize she had cracked the upper vertebrae on her neck.

Front Steps!

I told them I had after retiring, gotten an Administration License to run a senior residence in southern California. So I had been involved with helping seniors with LaVerne - Pushed off the Stern! disabilities in various ways. Unfortunately, Virginia has stitches on her head, a neck brace for the cracked vertebrae and had slightly opened the stitches on her knee replacement.

All in all, not a good day. She told me our vacation was still on one way or another! I said I might be pushing her around in a wheelchair, more than I had expected to.

Our friend LaVerne told me to be careful and not push her off the stern of the ship as we cruised the Rhine! What are friends for anyway? We all had a good laugh!. So we shall see if the trip actually happens.

Front Steps!

My travel agent Viviane, told me if Virginia couldn't go, she would get her money back and I might be able to go by myself. Good thing we have insurance. I would like to go even if alone if Viking would allow me to go in the room by myself! We shall see what happens in the next two weeks!

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